SLIS 761 Post #8 - Arduinos
When reading through the course content this week, I kept seeing Arduinos mentioned and it piqued my interest. I had heard the name before, usually in discussions about projects that use mini circuit boards, like the Raspberry Pi, so I thought that it was a type of single-board computer. Looking into it further thought, I discovered that while they can both be used for similar projects, they are actually two different types of circuit boards that work well in different ways. As outlined in the article, What are the Differences Between Raspberry Pi and Arduino?, “Arduino is a Microcontroller based development board, the Raspberry Pi is a Microprocessor (usually an ARM Cortex A Series) based board that acts as a computer” (Teja, 2021, para. 9). So, the Raspberry Pi is a small computer, and the Arduino is a small circuit board that can be programmed to control operations, like motors, sensors, and lights. While useful for automating robots, Arduinos can also utilize a lot of different sen...